lundi 16 décembre 2013

New speaker invited by the department: Yves Barral

Yves BarralYves Barral has accepted the department invitation and will be at IGDR on Nov 14th 2014 to give a seminar.

Some recent articles from his lab:
- Merlini, L., Fraschini, R., Boetscher, B., Barral, Y., Lucchini, G. and S. Piatti*, (2012), “Budding yeast Dma proteins control septin dynamics and the spindle position checkpoint by promoting the recruitment of the Elm1 kinase to the bud neck”, PLoS Genet. 8:e1002670
- Hotz, M., Leisner, C., Chen, D., Manatschal, C., Wegleiter, T., Ouellet, J., Lindstrom, D., Gottschling, D., Vogel, J. and Y. Barral*, (2012) “Spindle pole bodies exploit the Mitotic Exit Network in metaphase to drive their age-dependent segregation”, Cell, 148:958-72
- Neurohr G, Naegeli A, Titos I, Theler D, Greber B, Díez J, Gabaldón T, Mendoza M, Barral Y. (2011) A midzone-based ruler adjusts chromosome compaction to anaphase spindle length. Science. Apr 22;332(6028):465-8
- Cannarozzi G, Schraudolph NN, Faty M, von Rohr P, Friberg MT, Roth AC, Gonnet P, Gonnet G, Barral Y. (2010) "A role for codon order in translation dynamics." Cell. Apr 16;141(2):355-67.

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